Commission Highlights
Numerous achievements reflect the County of Santa Clara, CA USA/Metropolitan City of Florence, Italy Sister County Commission’s dedication to promoting, understanding and exchange of Italian culture and heritage.
Educational initiatives
Provides annual scholarships toward the study abroad of university students from Santa Clara County accepted to study at accredited universities in Florence, Italy.
- Created the Youth Leadership Scholarship Fund, along with the County’s Moscow and Hsinchu Sister County Commission to provide scholarships to nine local high school students to attend the Sister Cities International Annual Conference Youth Leadership Summit in San Jose in July 2014.
- Facilitated exchange programs between University of Florence and area universities and provides scholarship assistance to local students studying in Florence.
- Established and promoted the Florence Commission Da Vinci Educational Sponsorship Project and partnered with The Tech Museum of Innovation, area businesses and individual donors to make it possible for 3,540 students and chaperones to experience the Leonardo Da Vinci Exhibit. The exhibit was extended through January 25, 2009, due to popular demand and the unprecedented number of school field trip visits.
Cultural events
Co-sponsored annual screenings of films ("Quano Basta," "Il Padre d'Italia," “Io Arlecchino,” “Human Voice,” “The Nightshift Belongs to the Stars,” and “La Città Ideale,”) from the New Italian Cinema Events (N.I.C.E) Festival in San Francisco at Santa Clara University Recital Hall. Screenings are followed by engaging Q&A sessions with film directors, screenwriters and actors.
- Hosted Cena Fiorentina, a 7-course Florentine Dinner, in 2019, as a sequel to the Commission’s screening of New Italian Cinema Events culinary-themed film, “Quanto Basta” in 2018.
- Hosted “Notte d’Amore,” an evening of the most romantic love arias from Puccini’s Madama Butterfly and La Traviata. The evening highlighting San Jose’s First Street Opera singers took place at Little Italy’s Piazza on April 25, 2015.
- Co-sponsored a 2014 summer concert with Violinist Francesca De Pasquale at Santa Clara University.
- Granted funds to assist Opera San Jose’s dedication to Italian opera and language.
Organized “A taste of Florence” cooking sessions featuring the art of “antique” cooking and preparation of Tuscan foods.
- Promoted light rail transportation, jazz concerts and Santa Clara County wines during “Santa Clara Week” in Florence, Italy.
- Bridged cultural heritage with “Florence-Santa Clara: Two Schools of Sculpture” exhibit at the Triton Museum of Art.
- Presented the Quartetto di Fiesole, and Italian string quartet, to perform in a special concert for the San Jose Chamber Music Society.
- Presented “The City of Brunelleschi” art exhibition at the Saisset Museum.
- Coordinated the “Fencing Gala” by te Società Accademia Schermistica Fiorentina at San Jose State University.
- Partnered with Morgan Hill Sister City Committee for a cultural exchange to present “Pranza in the Vineyard” featuring Chef Angelo Mazzi from the Association of Florentine Chefs.
- Hosted a special dinner celebration at Guglielmo Winery in October 2014, to present former Commissioner Duilio Peruzzi with the Citizen of the Year Medici Medallion and launch the Duilio Peruzzi Scholarship Fund for his multiple contributions to the Commission and the Italian Community.
Hosted biennial Medici Masked Balls. At the 2013 Medici Ball, the commission celebrated the 25th Anniversary of its relationship with Florence and honored the Medici Medallion Citizens of the Year. Joan and Richard Della Maggiore, Marilyn and Frank Dorsa, and Marge Valente were honored for their commitment and contributions as community leaders. Over 400 friends of Florence and supporters attended the Commission's signature fundraising event.
Sponsored and hosted Florence Commission appreciation barbecues at the Guglielmo Family Winery to announce Medici Medallion Award Recipients and celebrate present and past commissioners.
- Hosted Cena alla Griglia Toscana, the 2010appreciation barbecue on September 23, 2010, at the Guglielmo Family Winery, in Morgan Hill, to celebrate past and present commissioners.
Diplomatic activities
Facilitated an information exchange in March 2024 between Florence and County health and education officials on the effects of COVID on mental health of children, students, and older adults, and efforts during and post pandemic to aid in recovery.
- Facilitated a public health information exchange in 2023 between Florence and County health officials to discuss COVID response activities, challenges, statistical data and monitoring, impact and efficacy of vaccine campaign, health orders and more.
- Hosted "meet and greet" gatherings for new Consul Generals of Italy in San Francisco, after official welcoming ceremonies held by the County of Santa Clara Board of Supervisors.
- Hosted formal government delegations from the Florence in 2010 and 2012, led by Province of Florence President Andrea Barducci and Provincial Council President David Ermini to strengthen communication, cultural exchanges and collaborations with the Florence through the implementation of memoranda of understanding signed between both regions.
Sponsored American governmental delegations to the Florence, Italy and hosted Italian governmental delegations to highlight respective artistic, cultural and educational advancements, technological innovations and to explore partnership opportunities that strengthen the sister county relationship.
- Visited Florence and met with President Matteo Renzi and colleagues in 2008, to share best practices and discuss mutual collaborations for the coming year.
- Hosted a welcoming reception for the Consul General of Italy in San Francisco, Fabrizio Marcelli.
Hosted Province of Florence President Matteo Renzi and colleagues in February of 2007 and held a joint meeting to discuss mutual collaboration for the following year.
- Advanced cross-cultural understanding by supporting and attending an International Transportation Planning Conference hosted by the Province of Florence, Italy.
- Acted as the liaison between European and American experts studying solid waste recycling, which led to Santa Clara County representation at an international recycling conference.
- Represented the County of Santa Clara at the World Peace Conference held in the Province of Florence, Italy.